Sunday, 28 April 2013

hanna and isabella

okay and heres the video that me and isabella did together, we didnt really runinto any problems while taping it besides the fact that my hand was in one of the pictures but we ran out of and and didnt want to tape the whole thing again so we just left it. we originally planned to do a nest and real eggs and like a plastice chick, but we both had some easter stuff left over so we thought it might be cuter if we did an easter type scence.

my stop animation

i decided to do my own personal stop animation along with the one i did with isabella, now mines pretty simple compared to some of the stop animation videos ive seen but this was only my first attempt so i didnt want to try to go in over my head, i used water color and sharpie to do this video and this one took about 700 pictures to film. i had some problems adding it to youtube so i hope the quality looks okay..i had to upload it to my computer, then tape it and add to to youtube using my phone because for some reason my laptop wasn't connecting. anyways here it is!

Monday, 22 April 2013

stop animation

me and Isabella have been working on stop animation the past week of school and so far we pretty much just have out set..we're hoping to start filming tomorrow. we are doing an Easter scene and a chick is going to climb out of one of the eggs. we hope that everything will go well and ill post more about it tomorrow but here's the 'set' so far..if anyone has any suggestions about how we can improve please comment them below:)

Monday, 8 April 2013

birds eye perspective finished

so here's the finished version of my birds eye perspective art. I used shading an shapes in this artwork and if anyone has any improvements that they think can be made please let me know so I can improve it! but anyways I tried to do like a darkish type city and I wanted to try some unique shaped buildings so I could experiment with shading different shapes!

Sunday, 7 April 2013

birds eye perspective

I'm not completely done yet but I wanted to post my the first picture I just some rough sketches, in the second picture I did some shading along with unique shapes that I might have wanted to try out an in the final picture is my good copy, I'm not done it yet so ill post more about it when it's finished but I would love any suggestions about improvements that I could make!:) and ill post the finished product tomorrow night

Thursday, 4 April 2013


so here's my finished product of my stamp, as you can see I used many elements of art from the tree stump being the texture if my speakers an the arrows being magazine pictures. I used shape in my border and lines in my 'RE"s. I would love to get some feedback on what everyone thinks:)

Monday, 1 April 2013


okay so we have been working on stamps that have to do with an environmental issue, so I chose energy and did for sketches of a possible stamp. after this we had to do a good copy and I kind of for got to take it home so I'm hoping my teacher gonna be really cool and let me finish it up tomorrow.. but anyways I did a reduce, reuse, recycle stamp with is a really common slogan but I find it effective so thatswhy I used it. the second one I did was a 'green' light bulb with bolder word that simply say 'save energy' I figured I may aswell cut to the point. the third one I did was a light switch with a corny saying that went like 'turn off the lights, turn on smart choices' or something along those lines, I thought it was sort of catchy and cute so why not. and for the fourth and final stamp I have wind mills wit the saying 'natural energy, healthy energy' now I admit this one could use some work, but again it's only a rough draft so there is some room for improvement. please comment what you think! or any ideas or suggestions:)